Office risk assessment template for COVID-19

If your workplace is an office, it’s a legal requirement for you to hold an office-based risk assessment. However, during the coronavirus pandemic the situation is a bit different.

Although you should regularly assess your risk assessment for office work, it’s good business practice to create another to help manage the risk of infection.

You can contact us on 0818 923 923 if you’re looking for assistance with that task. We also have a full COVID-19 workplace risk assessment for extensive details.

And along with this free download, you can read a brief overview of the requirements for this inspection.

An office safety risk assessment—the basics

The following approach is ideally suited for small businesses. Your office risk assessment for COVID-19 ultimately aims to:

  • Identify hazards and risks that the new biological hazard poses in your building.
  • Put in place control measures to limit the risk of infection.

Remember, you can’t completely remove the threat of this virus. But you can use procedures that will alleviate the risk of it spreading. 

Overview of an office risk assessment

Along with the template, understanding a basic office risk assessment checklist provides the basis for your workplace inspection. You should look to identify the following:

  • The potential risk of infection across your business.
  • Areas around your office that often become busy, such as the canteen, bathrooms, entrance and exit areas.
  • Specific areas where social distancing may prove difficult.
  • How you can manage customers and/or visitors arriving at your office.
  • Hygiene standards.
  • The use of office equipment, including computers, printers, and photocopiers.

How to use this template

To access this free office risk assessment template, click on the download icon on this page.

As an office risk assessment example, it demonstrates the steps you need to take as you carry out an inspection.

Remember you should modify this template to use for your business’ specific requirements and seek professional health & safety advice before reopening your office.

It’s an office risk assessment form for COVID-19. So, your designated assessor will review the working environment and make notes.

Once the assessment is over, you can take steps to put in place control management procedures.

Ultimately, the purpose of this office risk assessment template for coronavirus is to demonstrate the approach your business can take to manage the hazards you identify.

But, crucially, you should act on your findings to make your workplace safe.

Suggested Resources