Embedding a health & safety culture

Face-to-face employee briefings, safety culture surveys, and employee safety workshops.

Face-to-face employee briefings

We offer face-to-face training on working safely for anyone who works in your organisation—supervisors, staff, and even self-employed people if you currently have any. Examples include:

  • Induction training teaching recruits safe work procedures like first aid and fire evacuation processes.
  • Training people with new roles and responsibilities up on fresh risks they may face.
  • Showing young people how to avoid accidents the best way to supervise the inexperienced.
  • Ongoing refresher training.

Safety culture surveys

Understanding your current safety culture is how your organisation improves.

Our staff survey service gives a simple questionnaire to your employees where they give their views on your organisation’s approach to safety.

Then, we collate and review the results to give you a safety culture plan with clear and actionable ways to improve your organisation’s safety.

Employee safety workshops

Workshops are a hands-on session involving a small group of people from your workplace, learning the basics of working safely on your premises.

Our safety skills training workshops are tailored to your organisation and its services, so you can equip your employees with the ability to provide a consistent duty of care throughout their working days.   

Suggested Resources