SickKids foundation
Established in 1972, SickKids Foundation raises funds on behalf of The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and is the largest charitable funder of child health research, learning, and care in Canada. Philanthropy is a critical source of funding for SickKids – one of the world's foremost pediatric healthcare institutions.
Fundraising goal: We have committed to raising $100,000 over the next 3 years.
Cause: Heal The Future
Precision Child Health (PCH) is the future because it’s the end of one-size-fits-all medicine. PCH means focusing deeply, precisely on everything that makes each individual patient who they are – from their postal code to their genetic code, to every signal their body sends. Then harnessing cutting-edge science, technology, and data insights to do three big things: diagnose faster, treat smarter, predict better.