Webcasts/Health & Safety Gap Analysis: What is Your Health & Safety Missing?

Jun 5, 2024 / 2:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Health & Safety Gap Analysis: What is Your Health & Safety Missing?

Olivia Cicchin

Olivia Cicchini

Digital Events Presenter, Peninsula Canada

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About this upcoming session

When it comes to workplace health & safety, prevention is the best strategy. Ensuring your health & safety systems are compliant will help you eliminate potential hazards, reduce risk of accidents, and protect your business from fines.

A detailed review of your health & safety operations can help identify gaps between your safety programs and federal and provincial health & safety requirements.
Are you meeting the legislative requirements of your jurisdiction? And the safety standards set by your industry? Do you conduct regular health & safety audits of your workplace? Would your workplace pass a surprise safety inspection?
Join our experts, Olivia Cicchini and Robert Babcock, for our upcoming webinar and learn the basics of an effective health & safety gap analysis.
At the webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Basics of health & safety compliance

  • Documentation required by law

  • Areas to assess for gap analysis

  • Best practices for health & safety gap analysis

  • Importance of regular audits

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