Webcasts/Mastering Relations with Staff & Clients - Toronto

Apr 21, 2024 / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT

Mastering Relations with Staff & Clients - Toronto

Olivia Cicchin

Olivia Cicchini

Digital Events Presenter, Peninsula Canada

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About this upcoming session

People management is hard work. Sometimes you may have to manage difficult employees – discipline slackers, address conduct concerns, carry out terminations – and at times demanding clients could be the ones stressing you out.  

Whether it is navigating personal relationships at work (family or romantic) or professional ones, having proper policies and procedures in place can help avoid conflicts of interest, and ensure smooth business operations.  

Join our experts, Olivia Cicchini and Kiljon Shukullari, at our next webinar where they’ll offer guidance on how to manage all kinds of relationships at work.     

After attending the webinar, you’ll know: 

  • What to include in your workplace interpersonal relationship policy  

  • How to avoid issues when working with family 

  • Tips for building lasting relationships with clients 

  • Documents you need to manage and set expectations for staff 

  • And more… 

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