Webcasts/Are Your Staff Classified Correctly - Toronto

Feb 28, 2024 / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Are Your Staff Classified Correctly - Toronto

Olivia Cicchin

Olivia Cicchini

Digital Events Presenter, Peninsula Canada

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About this upcoming session

Do you work with independent contractors? Are you confident you have classified all your staff correctly?  

Independent contractors are not covered by the applicable employment standards legislation. But your employees or jobs that are similar to those of employees (for instance, if you control their services) are.   

Misclassifying employees as independent contractors could cost you. It could expose your business to employee claims for unpaid wages, termination notice or pay in-lieu, vacation pay, and other employee entitlements under the applicable employment standards legislation. 

Join our experts, Olivia Cicchini and Kiljon Shukullari, at our free webinar to learn how to classify your workers appropriately. 

After attending the webinar, you’ll know: 

  • Differences between employees & independent contractors  

  • Common mistakes to avoid when classifying workers  

  • Consequences of misclassifying an employee  

  • Best practices for classifying staff correctly  

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