Blog articles

  • contracts and policies


    VIDEO: Updating your employee Contracts and Policies

    Do your employee contracts cover remote working considerations? And do your health & safety procedures include Work Safely Protocol measures? To help review your documentation, our video sets out 6 key steps for bringing them up to date.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • HR Policies Documentation
  • menopause policy


    Do you have a menopause policy in place?

    Menopause is a natural part of the female life cycle. It begins when oestrogen levels decline and periods end. Menopause symptoms typically affect women aged between their late 30s to late 50s and can seriously affect their life. In Ireland, the average age a woman reaches menopause is 51. The length of menopause also varies. Symptoms usually last about four years, but around one in 10 women experience them for up to 12 years.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • HR Policies Documentation
  • minimum wage increase


    Irish minimum wage increase likely in January

    The Government has signed off on an 80c increase in the national minimum wage. Tánaiste, Leo Varadkar confirmed that the new minimum wage rate of €11.30 per hour will be effective from January 2023. This is the largest single increase in the minimum wage since its introduction in 2000.

    Nóra Cashe
    Nóra CasheLitigation Manager
    • Pay & Benefits
  • leap year extra pay


    Extra day, extra pay? Leap year HR explainer

    The earth will take 366 days to orbit the sun this year. For many, this is just an occasional curiosity. If you’re running a business, though, that extra day can lead to some head-scratching questions from your staff. To avoid any leap year confusion, we look at the two most common brainteasers you may face.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Pay & Benefits
  • A healthy workplace: Managing unauthorised absence from work


    Employer fined €40,000 over GDPR breach

    The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (NDPA) has fined an employer €40,000 for unlawfully setting up automatic forwarding of an employee’s emails. The case will be of interest to Irish employers as it could be a persuasive decision if an employee made a similar claim in this jurisdiction.

    Moira Grassick
    Moira GrassickChief Operating Officer
    • Grievance

Free downloads

  • Free Download

    ‘Making Remote Work’, the country’s new National Remote Work Strategy, will see employees receive a new legal right to request remote working before the end of 2021.

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Employment Contract
  • Free Download

    Running a business is nothing short of demanding. While trying to grow your business each day, you must also be mindful of your employees’ rights as well as having the know-how to manage a wide range of employment-related issues.

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Employment Contract
  • Free Download

    Employees with newborn children enjoy strong rights under maternity protection laws. To help you comply with these laws, we’ve put together some advice.

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Employment Contract
  • Free Download

    You must provide employees with certain key terms of employment in writing. As well as the legally required main terms of employment, a strong contract of employment will also include your workplace policies that help both sides understand their key duties and responsibilities. Our free download, a template you can use immediately, outlines the core terms that every employee contract should include.

    Peninsula TeamPeninsula Team
    • Employment Contract

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