Flexible working and work-life balance in the spotlight

  • Employment Law

Gemma O'Connor , Head Of Service

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First published: May 18th, 2021

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The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is seeking the public’s views on flexible working.

Any incoming policy will seek to support employees with caring responsibilities, parents, and employees whose interests outside work impact on their time.

Here, we discuss flexible working and how it could benefit your business.

What is flexible working?

Flexible working came to the fore in recent months as many employees began to work from home. But now, many of these same employees are returning to the workplace.

As mentioned above, the introduction of a flexible working policy will seek to benefit a certain cohort of employees. If introduced, a better balance between work and home life can be established.

Factors aside from caring responsibilities also influence similar working arrangements sought by employees. These include the distance that employees must travel to work and the availability and cost of housing and transport.

Flexible working options may include:

Aim of the consultation

The Government is seeking to develop a flexible working policy and guidance that considers the needs of families (particularly those with young children), individuals, including those with disabilities, employers, and the broader economy.

The development of a policy framework will rely upon the findings of the consultation which in turn will have the capacity to:

Scope of views being sought

This consultation will consider views on:

With regards to the consultation process, Minister Roderic O’Gorman said: “The pandemic has brought about huge changes in the way we work and has highlighted the need for workplaces to be responsive to the needs of families and those with caring responsibilities. With many organisations moving towards flexible working arrangements, we are now presented with a unique opportunity to reinvent the way we work and create a flexible working model - one that supports a better work-life balance and a more inclusive labour market.”


A short questionnaire on flexible working can be completed here.

Written submissions can also be returned to . Guidance on written submissions is available here.

Closing date

The submissions window closes on Friday, May 28th, 2021 at 5pm.

Need help handling flexible work?

Flexible working isn’t a tricky issue when explained by the experts. Our advisors are ready to answer your questions on flexible working any time day or night on 0818 923 923.


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