Gender pay gaps - prepare to report

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Read our article: 'Gender pay gaps - prepare to report'. Contact us today for more information about our Employment Law, Health & Safety, and HR services.

Gender pay gaps - prepare to report 250+ employees? If so, you need to get ready to report any gender pay gap next year... From March 2016, you could be obliged to report gender pay gaps We’ve all heard of the ‘gender pay gap’ – the difference in the average pay between men and women within a company. If you’re a business with 250 employees of more, then as of March 2016, you’ll need to disclose details of this controversial subject. Full details on the Gender Pay Gap reports are yet to be published including:

However, one thing is certain, if you’re likely to be called on to provide this information, it makes sense to start preparing now. You can do this by:

We expect the Government to release further details regarding the rules of reporting around the end of 2015, so we’ll keep you updated as soon as we hear more. For further information on gender pay gaps, call our Advice Service 0800 028 2420.


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