- Employer advice
Kiljon Shukullari, HR Advisory Manager
(Last updated )
Kiljon Shukullari, HR Advisory Manager
(Last updated )
If you’re operating a small business, you’ll need to stay compliant with federal and provincial laws to remain up and running. This can seem like an impossible task, especially if you’re a new business owner.
Understanding and staying on top of such a vast array of laws can overwhelm even the most seasoned entrepreneurs. When those laws are constantly changing, it presents even more of a challenge.
We’ve rounded up the most popular questions that have been asked over the past 12 months via our brand-new artificial intelligence platform BrAinBox. If thousands of small businesses across Canada are asking these questions, then chances are you have these questions too. Our team of experts has teamed together in an exclusive 2022 compliance wrap-up webinar to answer these top questions, and we wanted to share them to help get your business compliance ready for the holidays and the new year.
Get answers to some of the trickiest HR questions to protect your business from unnecessary employment-related issues in 2023. Our experts can help you develop company policies and assist you with any HR, health & safety, and employee management advice you may need.
To learn more about how our services can benefit your business, call an expert today at 1 (833) 247-3652
Find out what 6,500+ businesses across Canada have already discovered. Get round-the-clock HR and health & safety support with Peninsula.