Cabinet announces timeline to end most COVID-19 restrictions

  • Legislative updates

Moira Grassick, Chief Operating Officer

(Last updated )

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Cabinet has agreed on a reopening timeline that will see the majority of COVID-19 restrictions ended by October 22nd.

While the plan is dependent on COVID-19 cases remaining manageable and 90% of adults being fully vaccinated, the outlook is nonetheless a positive one for business and society.

Below, we look at the key timeline dates of interest to employers.

Key dates

The Cabinet’s plan includes dates ranging from the beginning of September to the end of October. Key dates to be mindful of are:

It was also announced that Pandemic Unemployment Payments (PUP) will continue to be available until February 2022, but the transition to Jobseekers Allowance will begin in early September.

Cause for optimism?

Moira Grassick is Managing Director at Peninsula Ireland. She says: “Today’s announcement is a cause for optimism but does not mean that employers should not be cautious. Some employees may be cautious about returning to the workplace for fear that it puts them at a greater risk of contracting coronavirus, especially if they are clinically vulnerable.

“Rather than requiring employees to return (e.g., stating that an employee will lose their job if they don’t return), it is important to first determine why the employee is reluctant. Once this has been established, the right kind of conversation can then be had with them – keeping their specific circumstances in mind, as well as government guidance, and the needs of the business.

“Employers have a duty of care to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees and this has not changed despite the Government’s change in guidance. Employers should consider the nature of the workforce and listen to individual concerns. If employers decide to make face coverings mandatory in the workplace, they should remember that some employees may continue to be exempt. Employers should also be prepared for some resistance from whichever side of the facemask/no facemask argument has not gotten their preferred outcome. Dealing with this should be on a case-by-case basis.

“Employees should be expected to comply with workplace rules. However, to manage any such resistance, employers are advised to listen to individual circumstances and explain how these have been considered in risk assessments.

“Employers should carry out the appropriate risk assessments to determine:

Article: “How best can I bring staff back to work?”

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