- Legislative updates
Workplace Bullying & Harassment
Kiljon Shukullari, HR Advisory Manager
(Last updated )
Kiljon Shukullari, HR Advisory Manager
(Last updated )
A healthy work environment has a direct impact on workplace productivity and morale. As the employer, you must take all reasonable precautions for the health and safety of your staff. This includes taking steps to prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace.
In British Columbia, there are specific laws in place to protect workers from bullying and harassment in the workplace. As an employer, it’s crucial you’re aware of your legal obligations to ensure a safe and healthy workplace environment for your employees.
In this article, we will discuss what workplace bullying and harassment are, what the law requires, and what employers can do to prevent and respond to such behaviour.
WorkSafeBC, the provincial safety enforcement agency, defines bullying and harassment as: “Any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards a worker that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that worker to be humiliated or intimidated”.
Actions that qualify as bullying can be both physical and emotional/psychological. Verbal abuse, spreading rumours, and threats of violence are some examples of such behaviour. If left unchecked, bullying and harassment may corrode workplace productivity and morale. In the long term, it may increase employee absenteeism and turnover.
Bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, in the workplace are serious issues. It can expose you to legal claims. Under the Workers Compensation Act (Bill 14), employees are entitled to compensation for a mental disorder caused by workplace bullying or harassment.
According to the BC Human Rights Code every individual has the right to be free from sexual harassment in their workplace. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that may detrimentally affect the work environment or lead to adverse job-related consequences for the victim.
The prohibited conduct may be verbal, non-verbal, physical, intentional, or unintended.
Instances of sexual harassment include:
WorkSafeBC has developed three policies on this issue under the Workers Compensation Act. These outline the steps to be taken to prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace.
An employer’s obligations to prevent and address this issue include the following:
As per guidelines from WorkSafeBC, all employers must take all complaints of workplace bullying and harassment seriously. Investigations must be undertaken in good faith and be fair, impartial, and fact-based. When facts are easily ascertained, independent witnesses are available, and there are no additional complex underlying issues or problems, employers are encouraged to consider undertaking their own investigations.
For more serious or complicated complaints, an employer may organize a third-party investigation, which can provide their expertise in questioning witnesses, and assessing credibility and evidence. Third parties are also able to assess investigation in a more neutral and detached manner.
When deciding whether to report workplace harassment, employees should be aware of what does not constitute harassment. This includes management exercising their right to manage, workplace conflict, work-related stress, difficult conditions of employment, professional constraints, organizational changes, isolated incidents such as inappropriate remarks or having an abrupt manner, social relationships, or friendly gestures among co-workers.
The best way to address workplace bullying and harassment is to prevent it from happening in the first place. As an employer, you can take several steps to create a safe and respectful workplace:
Develop a clear and concise policy that outlines your organization’s stance on workplace harassment. This policy should define what constitutes workplace harassment, the consequences of engaging in such behavior, and the procedures for reporting incidents of harassment.
Provide regular training to all employees, supervisors, and managers on workplace harassment. This training should cover what constitutes harassment, how to recognize it, and the steps to take if an employee experiences harassment.
Encourage employees to report any incidents of harassment, and make it clear that they will not face retaliation for doing so. Provide multiple channels for reporting, such as an anonymous hotline, an email address, or a designated individual within the organization.
Despite your best efforts to prevent workplace bullying and harassment, incidents may still occur. When they do, it is important to respond promptly and effectively to ensure that the affected employee feels supported and that the behaviour is addressed appropriately.
Conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the incident to determine what happened and who was involved. This investigation should be carried out by a trained individual who is not directly involved in the incident. You may also consider hiring a third-party investigator to conduct the investigation.
If the investigation confirms that harassment occurred, take appropriate action against the harasser, which could include disciplinary action, termination, or legal action. Additionally, take steps to support the victim, such as offering counselling services or time off work.
Communicate the results of the investigation and the actions taken to all parties involved. It is important to maintain confidentiality while also being transparent about the outcome of the investigation.
In the event there was an issue of harassment, you may want to address the workplace culture or workplace dynamic to prevent further incidents. This can include communicating to all staff the importance of a harassment-free environment, introducing equality and diversity training programs, or allowing staff to voice any concerns they have in the workplace.
Workplace bullying and harassment can have serious consequences for both employees and employers. As an employer in BC, it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees are working in a safe and respectful environment, free from harassment and bullying. Part of this response involves creating a workplace harassment policy.
If you need assistance creating a policy that combats workplace harassment and bullying, contact Peninsula for help. We help employers comply with provincial legislation and advise them on how to apply this to their workplace. Contact us today at 1 (833) 247-3652
Workplace Bullying & Harassment
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