What Peninsula offers
Today our services go beyond employment and HR to cover health and safety management, insurance, employee wellbeing, and much more besides. Whatever we do, the service is always provided by a handpicked team of experts, so you can be sure you're getting the best.
All of which means more peace of mind for you, and more time for you to concentrate on what you do best: growing your business.
We have expanded to provide these services to small businesses in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada meaning that more people are protected by Peninsula.
We are Peninsula
Q&A with Peninsula CEO Peter Done
The Peninsula Stadium Opening
Peninsula Seminar & Business Briefing
For more videos go to our youtube channel.
Our first specialism was employment law. For a small business to navigate that maze is next to impossible without the right help. But the cost of having an HR professional on staff is too high for most small businesses, and traditional lawyers often don't understand small business needs.
History Of Peninsula

Peninsula launches
Salford-born entrepreneurial brothers, Peter and Fred Done, launch the business after identifying a business opportunity in the UK.
Calling all
We experiment with a two staff telesales team. Its success will help us grow year-on-year.
Round the clock
Peninsula members get access to our free 24-hour advice line the first of its kind.

Emerald Isle
1st September becomes a landmark day as Peninsula sets up office in Dublin, Ireland.

Rapid growth

No signs of slowing
Peninsula wins a place on the presitigious Sunday Times Fast Track 100.

Peninsula turns 21
“There is no doubt that Peninsula has succeeded because we have an exceptional product, and we are fortunate that we have a second-to-none workforce.”
-Fred Done, Chairman

Nationwide support
We expand into the Isle of Man and Jersey, now covering the entire UK and Ireland.

Head Office
We move to our current state-of-the-art building in Manchester, UK.

Now operating in two continents with over 30,000 members, we’ve come a long way in 30 years

Destination: Sydney
We acquired Employsure in Australia, growing its membership by 10,000 in 3 years.

Best Companies
Peninsula places 3rd in The Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For.

A new acquisition
Peninsula acquires Croner Group UK, and is now supporting over 50,000 members worldwide.

Further expansion
As Peninsula opens another office in Glasgow, Scotland.

Back down under
Given the success in Australia we expand our offices to Auckland, New Zealand.

Peninsula open for business in Canada!
Investing in Ireland
Opening a second office in Cork
Blip by BrightHR
Free clocking in and out app for clients

Pop by BrightHR
Managing staff expenses on the go
Enhancing operations in Scotland
Opening a new central Glasgow office
BrightSafe by BrightHR
H&S management software to help people return to work safely