A word from our founder: Whatever the election outcome, support is on hand

  • Employment Law

Peter Done, Group Managing Director and Founder

(Last updated )

With the general election coming up on 4th July, political party promises spark big questions for HR.

And while we’ll always keep you up to date with the latest information, I’d always expect questions and concerns. Because if big potential updates are on the horizon, you want to make sure you understand exactly how they affect you and your situation.

Hence why our experts are on hand to offer free bespoke advice.

And it’s not just the updates sparking questions for your business, there may be more pressing issues around election day itself, like what if employees are asking for time off to vote? Or what if an employee’s child’s school is closed and being used as a polling station? So they’re without childcare?

This may require you to review your processes around annual leave, unpaid leave, and flexible working.

Not to mention, around this time, politics is inevitably a big topic of conversation. And if a discussion is happening on work time, there’s every chance of conflict and someone behaving in a way that upsets or offends someone else.

That’s where having the right documentation to manage political chat helps make life easier. And the same goes for understanding your options when it comes to last minute leave requests.

I know it can get tricky. So for any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask an HR expert for support. Just give us a call – it’s what we’re here for.

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