Here’s what I know: The best teams overcome adversity together

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Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts

(Last updated )

We’ve been back in the office here at Peninsula since the middle of May, and across Manchester we’re beginning to get back to something like normality, as major retailers such as M&S, John Lewis and Primark prepare to re-open. There’s definitely beginning to be a bit of the old buzz around the office again as people settle back into the working environment.

It’s absolutely vital for businesses to manage their return to work in a phased and COVID-safe way that ensures employees are protected. We’ve been implementing all the necessary precautions here at Peninsula, under the expert guidance of our health & safety team. It seems to be working very well and the feedback from staff is highly positive.

We are taking over 2,000 advice calls a day on HR and safety measures at the moment, which shows how vitally important our service is. Our clients are looking to us for advice and guidance more than ever right now. We are, as always, at the end of the phone and email for you 24 hours a day with advice on COVID-safe strategies and tactics to ensure you get back to work safely.

So call us on 0800 028 2420. We can take you through the process, the requirements and everything you need to do right now to ensure a safe return to the workplace.

A sensible and managed return to work can be done effectively and here at Peninsula we are trying not only to help our clients with advice and guidance but also to show you how it can be done by example, putting our own advice into practice.

If you are an Employment-only client then think about our SafeCheck service, which can provide you with guidance to ensure you have a COVID-safe working environment for your employees and customers.

If you’re interested in finding out more about SafeCheck, which will provide you with a COVID-safe certificate once you’ve implemented the necessary measures, please email Steve Galley on for more information.

We are also here every step of the way to help those of you getting to grips with bringing employees out of furlough and back into the workplace, another complex issue to navigate.

We continue to provide the best advice and support for our clients at this important time of transition and progress, so call our Employment Advice line on 0800 028 2420 and they can talk you through it all.

Tom Landry, the American football player, said, “A vital team characteristic is the ability to overcome adversity. Any team acquires experience and endurance as it learns to fight back. This in turn builds the kind of character which seldom crumbles at a time of crisis or testing.”

Our teams at Peninsula are here for you at this testing time and I know you’ll find them ready and waiting to help.


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