Employment Law difference between Northern Ireland and Great Britain

  • Employment Law
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Peninsula Group, HR and Health & Safety Experts

(Last updated )

While employment rights and obligations of employees in NI are, on the whole, in line with those in GB this article looks to outline the main differences as well as the overlap in legislation between the two jurisdictions. Naturally, getting down to the finer details of legislation can get confusing, so I would remind you to contact the NI advice line where myself or my colleagues will be happy to answer you specific queries.

The main difference comes from the fact that the statutory rules are not always to be found in the same piece of legislation, and sometimes only part of the legislation applies. To complicate matters further the equivalent legislation may not come into force on the same date as GB as it must be passed by the NI Assembly, this is where it is easy to get confused on what legislation applies and what does not. The most recent example of this is regarding the qualifying period before an employee can bring a claim for unfair dismissal which remains at one year in NI and has not increased to two years as in GB.

The main differences include:

The discussion points listed above should give you a better understanding of the main difference between NI and GB but if you need further information on any of these points, don’t get too bogged down on trying to figure out which legislation is applicable as a quick phone call to our NI advice line will resolve your query.

If you require any further information on the process of redundancy please do not hesitate to contact the advice line on 0844 892 2786.

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