Health & Safety RIDDOR Changes Article

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The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) have been amended with regard to the reporting of injuries.

After 6th April 2012 the regulations require employers to report;

- Fatal injuries to any person that arise out of or in connection with a work activity.
- Major injuries to any person at work, including those employed by other businesses, as listed in the Accident Book.
- Injuries to a member of the public that result in the injured person being taken from the place where the injury happened to a hospital for treatment. 
  The injury must have arisen out of or in connection with a work activity.
-  Injuries to employees and other people working for you which arise out of or in connection with work and result in them being absent from work or unable
   to complete their normal work for more than 7 days. The seven day period excludes the day of the injury but includes days that would normally be non-
   working days.
- Dangerous Occurrences, as listed in the Accident Book.
- Cases of occupational Disease notified by a registered medical practitioner and listed in the regulations.

In addition employers must keep a record of injuries to employees and other people working for you that arise out of or in connection with work and result in them being absent from work or unable to complete their normal work for more than 3 days. The three day period excludes the day of the injury but includes days that would normally be non-working days.

Two new record forms have been prepared to enable employers to comply with these revised requirements.

- Form ABR, which should be inserted in the Accident Book, will act as a simple, anonymous summary of all incidents for which an accident report form has been completed. It should be completed by the person making the Accident Book entry. 

- Form ARC, a confidential form for completion by managers. It is similar to form ABR but is controlled by managers and identifies the injured person. This form should be kept by the person responsible for reporting in accordance with the regulations. To comply with the Data Protection Act it should be kept in a secure place.


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