Here’s what I know: strong foundations will help you weather the storm

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Stephen Covey said, “If there’s one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” That’s never been truer than now. 

This time last year, none of us could have predicted the events of 2020. Whatever plans or strategies you may have had in place, every single business owner has needed to revisit their model, their staffing and their technologies in the wake of the pandemic. 

It’s not going to resolve itself anytime soon. That’s becoming increasingly clear. But that doesn’t make it insurmountable or impossible to handle as a business leader. 

Right now, you need to be planning for what might be around the corner for you to ensure your business is as resilient as it can be, to prepare for all eventualities. 

You can’t predict everything, but you can work out a range of possibilities and strategies to deal with them.  

With England entering a second national lockdown on the 5th of November, business is getting more and more difficult. As an employer, you simply don’t know what’s going to happen and what the next few months may bring.

One minute your employees are back in the office, the next they’re back at home. One minute you’re staffing up to handle demand, the next your business has to close again. 

The number one thing I would advise you to do right now is ensure your contracts of employment and documentation have all been issued and are in order. If you’ve not done this, now is a great time to do it.

By getting these essential foundations properly in place as soon as possible, you’re protecting yourself for what lies ahead. If you find yourself in the position of having to lay people off or make them redundant, you need to be sure your contracts of employment and documentation are up to date. 

Without that and without following advice, you’re leaving yourself absolutely wide open to be taken to an employment tribunal, and the last thing you need right now on top of everything else is the cost and headaches of litigation. 

It’s a no brainer. Use our advice line. Give us a call. Make sure everything’s up to date and as it should be. That’s what we’re here for. If you need any help with installing your contracts, we can arrange a video conference to assist you with the process.  

With the right employment contracts in place, you have the peace of mind that you’ve got Peninsula’s indemnity to protect you if you find yourself having to make people redundant. 

The advice line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on so get in touch and make sure all the essential building blocks are in place.


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