Webcasts/Managing sickness and performance issues due to mental health

Feb 7, 2024 / 12:30 - 13:30PM

Managing sickness and performance issues due to mental health

Kate Palmer FCIPD - Director of HR Advice and Consultancy at global employment law consultancy, Peninsula.

Kate Palmer

Employment Services Director

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About this upcoming session

Your employee might call in sick or late regularly. Then, they start to miss deadlines…

Your first reaction might be to roll out disciplinary measures.

But often, poor mental health is the driving factor behind staff absence or performance issues. Which means you need to follow best HR practice to support your employees in their role.

Join Peninsula’s webcast to:

  • Understand how to support an employee who can’t work due to mental health

  • Roll out HR procedures to manage time off due to mental health

  • Learn how to manage underperformance with capability procedures

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