Webcasts/Surprise health & safety inspections: are you prepared?

Dec 13, 2023 / 11:00 - 12:00PM

Surprise health & safety inspections: are you prepared?

A man in a suit.

Andrew Rivett

Head of Health & Safety Advice at Peninsula

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About this upcoming session

The HSE carry out regular ‘spot checks.’

Which means a health & safety inspector can show up at your workplace at any time…

Not passing an inspection can lead to costly fines, or even closures. So you want to be confident that your work premises meet HSE standards – at all times.

Join Peninsula’s webcast to learn how to:

  • Remove typical hazards and risks that inspectors look for

  • Prepare for common questions an inspector might ask

  • Act on the advice of an HSE inspector

  • Check your health & safety documents are inspection-ready

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