Bite Size HR: Channel 4 Accused of Ageism

Peninsula Team

October 26 2012

Well known TV personality John McCririck has accused Channel 4 of "ageism" following the decision to replace him as the Channel's racing correspondent. McCririck has said that the executives in charge of the station have again gone down the well-worn path of ageism.

The issue of Ageism is based around the Employment Equality Act, 1998, as one of the 9 grounds for discrimination, and is seen as discrimination on the grounds of Age.  In this case McCririck is claiming that he is being replaced due to his age, and because the station is trying to attract a younger demographic to the station by hiring younger presenters.

Interestingly the station has replaced him with Claire Balding who anchored the BBC's coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games. We have previously posted about Equality on this blog and these posts can be found here.

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