Parental Leave Legislation Published

Peninsula Team

March 15 2013

New LegislationThe Legislation relating to the amendments to Parental leave, increasing from 14 weeks to 18 weeks is now available, and is cited as Statutory Instrument No. 81 of 2013. The regulations will compliment the exisitng provisions in relation to parental leave, being the Parental Leave Act 1998.

There is no provision in the Regulations for parents to transfer leave between them unless they are working for the same employer as outlined int he directive.

However there is an addition to the Principal Act which requires an employee to notify their employer of any request to alter their working conditions (days, hours of work) upon return from Parental leave, and no later than 6 weeks before the proposed commencement  of the set period concerned.

An employer then has a duty to respond within 4 weeks as to whether or not this request has been accepted or refused.

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